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Meet The Team
We were designed by God to live in community, in the Bible we find consistent encouragement to gather with other followers of Jesus:
· Proverbs, which is known as one of the wisdom books in the Bible, instructs us to get advice from others and walk through life with wise people so we can sharpen each other.
· Romans encourages us to rejoice with each other in the good times and weep with each other in the bad times.
· Paul wrote in Galatians that we should share each other’s burdens.
· Jesus promises us in Matthew that when we gather, He’s there among us.
There are already many opportunities in Knock Methodist to be involved in community throughout the week but we are considering another opportunity for fellowship with one another and spiritual growth - life groups.
What is a Life Group?
Life groups create a space for people to intentionally share their lives with others, grow spiritually together, and encourage each other through the highs and lows of life.
Where and when will Life Groups meet?
Life groups can gather in homes, church, coffee shops, or other places where people love to connect. How often and where a group meets will depend on the participants, these groups will be flexible and will suit those who are involved.
What will happen in Life Groups?
Though each group may differ in how they do things, generally each group will enjoy fellowship together as well as time to share in Bible study and prayer.
If you would be interested in being part of a Life Group or in leading a Life Group, please place your name in the sign up sheets in either porch or speak to Fiona.
21 and 22 February 2025
Watson Hall
Knock Methodist Church Centre
​We'll see you there!
Women's Well
Women sharing their experiences, challenges, wisdom and love; a deep well of blessings!
This year the plan is to introduce topics by exploring the stories of women in the Bible.
A warm invitation is extended to the women of Knock Methodist (and feel free to invite your friends!)
come and join in
Visitors are always welcome
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