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charities we support

For more than 70 years, Christian Aid has provided humanitarian relief for poor communities worldwide. Christian Aid Ireland aims to end poverty and injustice worldwide by focusing on seven key areas. This involves working in partnership with local organisations, as well as with governments and the private sector.

Our work includes helping people to:


  • claim their rights and access services such as healthcare and education

  • overcome violence and build peace in their communities and rebuild their lives after conflict

  • ensure they are not discriminated against for any reason

  • stand up for equality for women, prevent gender-based violence and provide support for survivors

  • become more resilient to disasters such as drought, climate change and hurricanes 

  • advocate in Ireland and overseas against corporate tax dodging and demand that companies pay their fair share








Everyone should be free from poverty, and free to live life in all its fullness.

 Our model of relational partnership works; we are led by our partners who know their context, problems and solutions, better than we ever could.

They are the visionaries and it is our privilege to walk alongside them in their mission.





The Larder is an emergency food bank assisting approximately 150 people every month. Referrals are made by churches, local agencies and social services.


The Larder is currently in need of the following items:

  • Tinned meats

  • Tinned vegetables

  • Packets of pasta in sauce

  • Packets of microwave rice

  • Creamed rice

  • Beans/spaghetti hoops

  • Tinned custard

  • Tinned fruit

Items can be left in the Centre during opening hours.  Please bag or box where possible.

The volunteers at The Larder send their sincere thanks for your ongoing support.

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christmas toy programme

Christmas can be the hardest and loneliest time of the year for many older people and is a very busy time for BCM as we try to ease the difficulties associated with the season. The Christmas Programme has become a 'help-line' for those in need throughout Greater Belfast and beyond and we try to give a helping hand to those who find it most difficult. Each year Grosvenor House becomes a hive of activity as BCM staff and volunteers prepare for the busy Christmas period. The Christmas programme has become a ‘help line’ for the needy and distressed of inner-city Belfast and surrounding areas and similar projects have now been run by the Mission for well over 120 years. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters and the hard work of our volunteers each year over 3,800 parcels of new toys are distributed

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Hosford Community Homes

240 Newtownards Road Project

We are working to develop an innovative, housing focused project with the vision of creating a community where everyone has a place to call home. 


This project will see the redevelopment of 240 Newtownards Road, a primarily empty building, into 6 private apartments and a community relations space. Each of the 6 apartments will provide a home for those who are ready to take the next step and leave our homelessness hostel, or for those affected by homelessness for whom moving into a hostel environment would be detrimental to their lives and progress towards independence. 

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